Managing services is a crucial part of administrating any system. Although it may be necessary to run various services on your machine, if you do not need to provide a service, you should turn it off to minimize your exposure to possible bug exploits.

Remember that if you are adding a new service, it will also be necessary to make configuration changes in both your firewall and SELinux

The modern and preferred method for managing services in new Fedora and Red Hat systems is to use the systemctl utility. All previous methods, including ntsysv and chkconfig have become deprecated and are discouraged from use.

Let's take a quick look at enabling the SSH service on a machine. Most Fedora machines are configured to allow SSH through the firewall and SELinux by default, but the service itself may not be enabled on boot. To check this, ou can simply run the following:

# systemctl status sshd.service

This should give you a short description of the service and let you know if the status is active or inactive.

If you would like this service to startup when the system boots, you can just enable the service as follows:

# systemctl enable sshd.service

Similarly, if you would like to disabled the service from automatically starting on system boot, you can run this:

# systemctl disable sshd.service

The same prompts can be used to manage any system running on your box.

Just remember, if you have enabled a service with systemctl and it still seems to be malfunctioning, you should check your firewall and SELinux configurations to make sure everything has been setup properly.